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6mm Red Jasper with 8mm Facetted Goldstone.


Red Jasper is a remarkable crystal for awakening the energetic kundalini “serpent” dwelling at the base of the spine. The spiralling of this energy up through the body provides a powerful spiritual experience as it activates, clears and strengthens each of the chakras, infusing them with vital Life Force energies.


Red Jasper is an amazing tool for meditation, providing calm, harmonious energy, ideal for grounding and centring at the beginning of a ritual, and easing the transition into a meditative state.


Red Jasper encourages the affirmation of nurturing the self and being embraced lovingly by Mother Earth. It facilitates the reiteration of dreams as if in a video-type mechanism, accessible during meditative states, that allows the dreamer to recall information that could be consequential for one’s life


Goldstone (gold) is a warrior crystal that guards against negative energy. But it doesn't just propel toxic psychic debris. It also returns it to its origins. A powerful medicine, use the protective vibes of Goldstone to feel safely and securely anchored to the earth. Goldstone crystal healing properties are powerful because its energy works to restore balance to the sacral chakra, the energy center linked with your powerful inner force of creativity and insight.


Call on the Goldstone crystal properties when you want a break from reality because this mineral is a gem when it comes to higher states of consciousness. Spend time in peaceful contemplation with the Goldstone crystal and let it bridge the gap between the physical world and the spirit realm.



Red Jasper and Goldstone Crystal Stretch Bracelet


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