Fluorite is a highly protective and stabilizing stone, useful for grounding and harmonizing spiritual energy. Fluorite works with the upper Chakras, increasing intuitive abilities, linking the human mind and universal consciousness, developing connection to Spirit. Fluorite further anchors intuitive insights into the physical plane, allowing mental and physical coordination. During challenging times Fluorite manifests balance and grounding, anchoring your ideas by giving structure to your thought. When you need support, ask Fluorite to clear your head of toxic psychic debris and transform your thoughts into new ideas and innovations. Fluorite is your stepping-stone to better decision-making and enhanced concentration.
Sandalwood stimulates the base Chakra enhancing trust and self-identity. Sandalwood can promote energy and enthusiasm; increasing your zest for life.
Sandalwood with Fluorite
Fluorite: insight, focus, clarity, balance
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