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100% Raw Baltic Amber teething necklace combined with Amethyst, Moonstone, Turquoise and Lapis Lazuli.  The raw baltic amber was sourced from the Baltic Region and transformed into teething necklaces in New Zealand by hand knotting with silk between each bead for babies safety.


Certificate of Authenticity stating this baby teething necklace was handmade in New Zealand using raw Baltic Amber beads, with individually numbered certificates.


100% Genuine Baltic Amber Teething Necklace, handmade in New Zealand with silk knotting between each bead to keep baby safe.  Lemon Amber has been used in these baby teething necklaces, as it's believed the lighter the color of Amber, the more pain relieving Succinic acid it contains.  Raw, unpolished amber is recommended because polished amber can seal the succinic inside. Raw, unpolished amber contains the highest levels of succinic acid (up to 8%), naturally reducing the inflammatory processes while baby is teething.


Combined with:


Moonstone for attracting harmony, and increasing receptivity and awareness. 


Amethyst to provide baby with peace of mind, promoting serene dreams.


Lapis Lazuli to spark babies true destiny and divine purpose.


Turquoise provides strength and protection to baby.


Starting baby wearing a teething necklace at around 3 months allows baby to get accustomed to wearing a necklace without biting or tugging at it. Amber teething necklaces can be worn until baby stops teething. Baby should never sleep or take a nap while wearing the Amber necklace for safety reasons.

100% geninune Raw Baltic Amber hand knotted in New Zealand with silk thread. The clasp is colour matched with a screw release to protect baby.

Never leave baby unattended wearing a teething necklace

Amber Teething Necklace - mixed

    1. Select a size that will fit babies neck not too tightly, but not so loose that baby can put the necklace in their mouth
    2. Fasten an appropriately sized necklace around baby’s neck (we recommend a “pop clasp” safety release)
    3. You may need to distract baby momentarily so baby forgets the necklace is there
    4. Leave the necklace alone; let the amber work its magic
    5. Take necklace off at naps and nighttime
    6. Never allow baby to wear amber necklaces unsupervised
    7. Enjoy the benefits that so many natural mamas attest to
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