There are seven spinning wheels of concentrated energy within the body, called Chakras. Chakra is a Sanskrit term meaning “wheel” or “disk” and is derived from the root word “cakra”. These seven energy centres correspond to areas of the endocrine system which is the chemical messenger pathway consisting of glands that secrete hormones into the circulatory system aiding to regulate organs and moderate hormone release to keep us stable.
Energy blockages could lead to illness, and its important to understand what each energy centre represents to ensure your energy flows freely. Each Chakra vibrates at its own frequency, with corresponding colours that govern functions that help make you healthy, happy and holy (the 3 H's of Kundalini Yoga).
The eighth Chakra is the Aura, and relates to the electromagnetic field surrounding you.
First (Root) Chakra
Basic trust, security, survival, habit, self-acceptance, I am
Location: The end of the spine between the anus and the sexual organs
Element: Earth
Gland: Elimination
Colour: Red
Qualities: Grounded, centred, secure, loyal, stable, healthy functions of elimination
Shadow: fear, insecurity, feelings of burden and not belonging
Helpful Kundalini Yoga Poses: Crow Pose, Body drops, Frog Pose, Mulbhandh, Front Stretches, lying on stomach with feet kicking buttocks.
Second (Sacral) Chakra
To feel desire, to create, I feel
Location: The sexual organs
Element: Water
Gland: Sexual glands, reproductive glands, kidneys, bladder
Colour: Orange
Qualities: Positive, relaxed attitude to sexual function, patience, creativity, responsible relationships
Shadow: Rigid emotions, frigidity, guilt, no boundaries, irresponsible relationships, problems with kidneys
Helpful Kundalini Yoga Poses: Frog Pose, Cobra Pose, Butterfly, Sat Kriya, Cat-Cow, Maha Mudra, Pelvic Lifts
Third (Solar Plexus) Chakra
The will of the spiritual warrior, l do
Location: Area above the Navel Point, Solar Plexus
Element: Fire
Gland: Navel plexus, liver, gall bladder, spleen, digestive organs, pancreas, adrenals
Colour: Yellow
Qualities: The centre of personal power and commitment, self-esteem, identity and judgement. The foundations for inner strength and balance, inspiration and good health
Shadow: Anger, greed, shame and despair. Obstacles everywhere and not enough spontaneity. Conforming in order to be recognised. Refuting your own wishes and emotions. Problems with digestion, liver, gall bladder and pancreas.
Helpful Kundalini Yoga Pose: Stretch Pose, Sat Kriya, Peacock Pose, Bow Pose, Fish Pose, Diaphragm Lock, Breath of Fire. All exercises that train the abdominal muscles
Fourth (Heart) Chakra
Love and Awakening, from "me to we",
I love
Location: The middle of the chest on the breast bone at the level of the nipples
Element: Air
Gland: Heart, lungs, thymus gland
Colour: Green
Qualities: Compassion, kindness, forgiveness, service, love. Recognising and understanding these qualities in yourself and in others.
Shadow: Grief, attachment, closed to surroundings. Easily hurt and dependent on love and affection from others. Fear of rejection.
Helpful Kundalini Yoga Pose: Ego Eradicator, Yoga Mudra, Bear Grip, Baby Pose. All arm exercises, all Pranayam, and exercises which twist the upper torso.
Fifth (Throat) Chakra
Hearing and speaking the truth, the teacher. I speak
Location: The throat
Element: Ether
Gland: Trachea, throat, cervical vertebrae, thyroid
Colour: Light blue
Qualities: The center for truth, language, knowledge and the ability to communicate effectively. Authenticity, healthy self-expression and interactions. Inspiring, teaching and embodying God's Will.
Shadow: Lethargy, weakness in expressive and descriptive abilities, shyness, voice problems, insecurity, fear of others opinions and judgements. Throat, neck and thyroid problems.
Helpful Kundalini Yoga Pose: All Chanting, Shoulder Stand, Cobra Pose, Plow Pose, Camel Pose, Cat-Cow, Neck Rolls, Neck Lock and Nose to knees.
Sixth (Third Eye) Chakra
The union of opposites. I see
Location: Between the eyebrows
Element: -
Gland: Brain, pituitary gland
Colour: Indigo
Qualities: Centre of intuition, clairvoyance, visualising, fantasizing, concentration and determination. Self-intuition, power of projection and understanding your purpose.
Shadow: Confusion, depression, rejection of spirituality, over-intellualizing
Helpful Kundalini Yoga Pose: Meditating on Third Eye, Long Chant, Kirtan Kriya, Archer Pose, Whistle Breath, Yoga Mudra. All exercises where the forehead rests on the floor
Seventh (Crown) Chakra
Trancendence. The tenth gate.
I understand
Location: Crown of the head
Element: -
Gland: Brain, pineal gland
Colour: Violet
Qualities: The seat of the soul, connection to the highest self. Enlightenment, unity and Elevation. Relationship to the unknown.
Shadow: Grief. The feeling of being separated from existence and from abundance. Fear of death.
Helpful Kundalini Yoga Pose: Ego Eradicator, Mahabandha, Sat Kriya. Concentrating on the tip of the nose. All meditation.
Eight (Auric) Chakra
Location: The electromagnetic field
Element: -
Gland: -
Colour: White
Qualities: The aura combines the effects of all the chakras and constitutes their total projection. The aura projects and protects.
Shadow: Shy, withdrawn and vulnerable
Helpful Kundalini Yoga Pose: Triangle Pose, Ego Eradicator, Archer Pose. All arm exercises. All Meditation.
As taught in the Aquarian Techer KRI International, Level One Instructor text book